Reputable Polish public university
By choosing PUMS you are putting your trust in a well-established and respected public higher education institution founded in 1919 and directly overseen by the Polish government.
High success rate in medical licensing exams and employability
USMLE passing rates statistics
Residency match rate in the USA: 2017- 45%, 2018 - 45%, 2019 - 60%, 2020 - 63%, 2021 - 36%, 2022 - 61%, 2023 - 85%, 2024 - 83% (and 100% among current students) (source: NRMP)
No. 1 in LEK Polish Medical Licensing Examination results
90% overall passing rate for medical licensing exams in Taiwan
96% overall passing rate for dental licensing exams in Taiwan
Very good results in licensing exams in Thailand
Hands-on approach, contact with patients and intensive clinical immersion
We realize that effective learning is based on hands-on experience. This is why we implement cadaver labs, clinical rotations with patients, practice with standardized patients and medical simulation from the earliest possible stages of the training.
Curriculum tailored to the needs of international students
We make sure that our programs and teaching methods are in line not only with Polish and European standards, but also other international requirements, in order to facilitate our graduates' licensing procedures and improve employment opportunities back in their home countries, be it the USA, Canada, Taiwan, Norway or Thailand.
Effective teaching
High standards of education and committed teachers are essential for any school to succeed, but verification of knowledge with useful feedback is also a key factor in the process. This is why we implement objective, standardized examinations provided by the US National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) as end-of-course evaluation in our medical programs.
Kaplan Basic Science Review Course
2-month basic science review course - the best preparation for the USMLE Step 1 -- organized in cooperation with Kaplan, Inc. Take advantage of the excellent resources: outstanding visiting professors, on-line videos and question banks, mock tests, etc. -- all without any extra fees!
Highly-qualified professors and staff
More than 1,500 employees of the School are teaching and research staff. A majority of our faculty have received Ph.D. and post-graduate degrees, and they hold the titles of professor or assistant professor in: medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physiotherapy, and other areas of science. Many of them are also members of international scientific societies and committees as renowned specialists in their fields, as well as national expert consultants.
OSCE-type exams and mock licensing exams
Objective structured clinical examinations are widely used in health sciences to practically assess skills and competencies in a realistic clinical setting. As such they are often part of the licensing examination process of various national medical boards. We make sure our students are well prepared for these evaluations by practicing in clinical skills simulation rooms with actor patients, offering mock OSCE exams and a number of student-administered free practice CS rooms that are adequately equipped.
Free of charge counseling and psychological services
CAPS -- Counseling and Psychological Services - support students, their performance and well-being during their time at PUMS. Studying abroad and leaving one's support network back home can be difficult. This is why English-speaking psychologists and advisors are available to our international students free of charge all year long.
Student accommodation with reliable Residential Advisors
Incoming students have guaranteed spots in double rooms in our four dormitories. All of them are located within walking/biking distance from most of the University hospitals, teaching facilities, sports facilities and the library. They are also quite close to Poznan downtown and include a cafeteria, laundry facilities, internet access, study rooms and social rooms, parking, etc. Student housing is protected by campus security. Our dorm community is also supported by a dedicated English-language Resident Advisor team, made up of student volunteers.
Member of AAMC's VSLO
Our students can choose to undergo their elective clinical rotations for credit in Poznan or in any teaching hospital around the world. As a member institution of the AAMC's Visiting Student Learning Opportunities, we will facilitate your electives abroad, whether you decide to take them in the US, Canada or other partner institutions around the world.
100 years of tradition, English-language programs for over 25 years and over 2,000 international alumni.
Top level medical simulation
With a whole building dedicated to medical simulation and standardized patients, as well as broad expertise in the field, PUMS is the leader in medical simulation education in the country. State-of-the-art equipment and qualified staff make this part of the training fun, challenging and very useful.
Student self-practice rooms with professional equipment
- Two clinical skills practice rooms, designed and equipped to simulate a real-life family medicine doctor's office, available for student self-practice and preparation for OSCE-type exams.
- A well equipped ultrasound laboratory available for workshops and student self-practice. Voluntary initiative with cooperation with MIRO company and PUMS.
Voluntary clinical and research opportunities
Students looking for additional professional experience have the opportunity to assist clinical staff in their daily hospital duties, including medical procedures and surgeries. Active students can also volunteer to take part in the School's extensive research activity. Getting involved in research projects and publishing papers is now easier than ever with the assistance of the English Students’ Research Association (ESRA). Moreover, numerous medical outreach initiatives at PUMS are always open to student volunteers.
Sizeable, diverse and active international community
We are currently home to around 1000 international students from over 50 countries. 12 international student organizations including national and interest groups, Research Association, Residential Advisors, plus numerous smaller clubs -- all constitute the English Programs' Student Union.